AAU Alumni
Good advice from alumni

AAU Alumni
Good advice from alumni

Advice for students and newly graduates when entering the job market
I will recommend to be:
- consistent
- hard working
- and patient
These actions make your dreams come true.
Quote: Reneta Radomirova Georgieva - Carbon Programme Advisor. Read the Portrait of Reneta.
Having no or little experience in the field you might be interested in should not be a barrier for you to apply for a specific job. Believe in your abilities.
Quote: Bastian Thoft Holm - ESG consultant at KPMP Denmark. Read the portrait of Bastian.
Don't be scared of networking and start building your LinkedIn profile early. When applying for jobs, try to find your competitive edge - what makes you stand out, what unique competences do you have.
Quote: Indra Petersone - Management Trainee, Outline Vinduer A/S. Read the portrait of Indra.
Be insisting, positive, endurant and humble/grateful to whatever your surroundings and network teach you. This will take you far.
Quote: Vibeke Bak Christensen - HR manager in Samsung Denmark Research Center. Read the portrait of Vibeke.
Make a plan for your job search - e.g. say to yourself: "every day I have to look for at least one new job" - The more applications, the greater the chance of getting a job.
Get involved in volunteer work, go to presentations in your union, unemployment insurance fund, etc., go to conferences in the field you would like to work in.
- Just come out and talk to people and absorb a lot of new knowledge.
Quote: Josefine Andreasen - Personal Data Controller, Tusass (Nuuk, Greenland). Read the portrait of Josefine.
1: The road to my present job has been a very roundabout road, and this is very normal, especially with the humanities. Students and graduates should not assume that a specific course, a Master or first job defines the rest of their career. Keep calm and accept that you cannot control the uncertainty, and what will happen every step of the way. You will be outside of your comfort zone, and this is where magic happens. As Pippe Longstocking says “I have never done this before which means I probably can do it!”
2: Try to paint your own picture – meaning that you can search for knowledge, experience and network, in order for you to have a clearer picture of what you like to work with. There are so many exciting events, in which I strongly encourage both internationals and Danes to participate. It is important that you know yourself and you are able to tell your story of interest and passion, this also includes spare time activities, as it is important for employers because they hire the whole person and not only you based on your education.
Quote: Lotte Burholt Pedersen - Career Consultant at AAU Career.?Read the portrait of Lotte.
Advice for students who are about to start their education at Aalborg University
The advice I would give myself is to be fully engaged in teamwork projects and discussions.
I believe they are vital in solving issues in cross-cultural dimensions.
Quote: Reneta Radomirova Georgieva - Carbon Programme Advisor. Read the portrait of Reneta.
I have always tried to shape my career according to my professional interests, but sometimes I was too focused on the next step.
If you focus on your interests and keep doing your best, the rest will follow.
Quote: Bastian Thoft Holm - ESG consultant at KPMP Denmark. Read the portrait of Bastian.
But when you have it, use it wisely. Join a student or other volunteering organization, grab a drink with your study mates, learn Danish. All of those things will definitely help to create the feeling of community - a home away from home.
Quote: Indra Petersone - Management Trainee, Outline Vinduer A/S. Read the portrait of Indra.
Be active in a student organisation or participate in their events, to get to know people and make valuable networks.
Quote: Vibeke Bak Christensen - HR manager in Samsung Denmark Research Center. Read the portrait of Vibeke.
Otherwise, you will go completely dead in it.
And if you come for a job interview but you don't get the job, treat yourself to a good dinner anyway. A "failed" job interview can get everyone in the coal cellar, and a little self-indulgence can get many quickly back on the horse.
Quote: Daniel S?gaard Jensen - IT Application Specialist at Powercare. Read the portrait of Daniel.
So even though the group work, the exams, the academic material, etc. seem overwhelming, it all works out. Remember to enjoy your studies to the fullest! You're going to miss it and the flexibility you had.
Qoute: Josefine Andreasen - Personal Data Controller, Tusass (Nuuk, Greenland). Read the portrait of Josefine.