Daniel Pfeifer - Freelance Video Producer

Daniel Pfeifer - Freelance Video Producer

Daniel Pfeifer - Freelance Video Producer
Daniel Pfeifer
The article is more than 30 days old and reflects the alumni?s career at the time. The alumni may have changed career paths since the article was written
Music and Media industry.
Planning productions, handling client expectations and budgets. But on the other hand, I edit, do camera work and even direct for some projects. I always liked to understand the full spectrum of something.
You will be able to do a lot more than you think. It is all in your head. Try new things and try not to limit you. Speak to people you look up to. Ask them, how they did it!
Curiosity and leaving something better behind for the people or generations to come.
The long nights spent on campus and the parties.
The most important thing I brought with me from AAU is: friends for life. But, when it comes to the job, then I would say: Being more confident in the things I do. Studying abroad, in a program which was new to me and getting tested - that was something AAU helped me a lot and helped to path my further career. Being brave enough to try things and find smart solutions in a global context.
Starting my career in a start up, I was curious how companies and roles evolve or change. Especially in our fast paced times.
More information on what I can do with the degree.
Try to listen to your inner self. What drives you? What is important to you? How much responsibility do you want to have? There is no shame in not wanting to much of it. And there is no shame in not 100% knowing what you want to do. Try things. Try two things at the same time - even more. Sometimes, you might be surprised what combination of tasks you are good in and others might not. Through trying, you will most certainly find your way and purpose. Constantly listen to your inner voice or talk to fellow students.
I am from a small village with just 300 people living there.
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