
Guangxi City Vocational University Hosted Seminar on Enhancing Intelligent Retrieval Skills

2024-04-03 10:16:55来源:[!--source--]作者:摄影:[!--photography--]访问量:149

  In an effort to enhance our teachers' understanding of artificial intelligence (AI) ChatGPT technology and its applications in literature information exploration, our university hosted a themed seminar on intelligent retrieval from March 20th to 22nd. The seminar took place respectively at Lecture Hall 15 in Chongzuo Campus and Lecture Theater 3rdin the FusuiCampus of Guangxi City Vocational University. The seminar, which delved deep into the interpretation of AI technology and its applications, attracted the interest of numerous teachers.This seminar, presented jointly by four speakers from the College of Intelligent Engineering—Wang Zhenbo, Xie Fuxi, Lan Jiabin, and Liao Ai—provided clear explanations of AI technology and extensively discussed its applications in various fields.

The scene of the intelligent retrieval seminar

Prof. Wang Zhenbo Delivering a Welcome Speech

  Kicking off the seminar, Professor Wang Zhenbo first elucidated the basic concepts of AI technology, ranging from the principles of machine learning to the applications of deep learning, thus providing the audience with a preliminary understanding of AI technology. He emphasized that AI technology has permeated various aspects of our daily lives, not only altering our work methods and enhancing our work efficiency but also to some extent reshaping the social landscape.

Prof. Wang Zhenbo Delivering a Speech

Photo of all participants

  Following this, TeacherLan Jiabin focused on introducing practical applications of AI technology in various domains. He mentioned that in the field of education, AI technology enables the writing of poems, excellent sentences, or news reports through coding, personalized teaching, and intelligent assessment, thereby driving innovation in educational models. By comparing the effects of different command words, the attending teachers gained a more intuitive and in-depth understanding of the functionalities of ChatGPT.

Lan Jiabin Delivering a Speech

  TeacherXie Fuxi mainly introduced the application of ChatGPT in literature retrieval. He emphasized that with the advent of the big data era, the explosive growth of information has rendered traditional retrieval methods inadequate. GPT technology, through inputting keywords and statements, can swiftly generate news reports and papers, greatly enhancing work efficiency. Through case analysis, Professor Xie vividly demonstrated the functionalities of ChatGPT in literature retrieval, mentioning its guiding suggestions for improving efficiency in literature retrieval.

Xi Fuxi Delivering a Speech

  TeacherLiao Ai primarily explained how to use AI for emoji design, utilizing ChatGPT to generate design principles for emojis, and then using Midjourney to beautify them by inputting different keywords. TeahcerLiao demonstrated on-site the process of generating the "Nv Wa" emoji pack, providing detailed explanations of the entire operation process. Additionally, the experiential session allowed teachers to personally experience the charm of artificial intelligence.

Liao Ai Delivering a Speech

Interactive Guidance Session

  Through this seminar, the teachers who attended the meetinggained in-depth insights into the strengths and weaknesses of AI functionalities, which play a crucial role in enhancing teaching quality, optimizing the utilization of educational resources, cultivating students' information literacy, promoting educational innovation and development, and enhancing teachers' professional competitiveness. Simultaneously, it injects more vitality and innovative force into our university's educational endeavors.

  Author: Wu Kehe, Gan Youyuan

  Translation:Ban Chengcheng

  First Proofreading:Ban Chengcheng

  Second Proofreading:Chen Danping

  Final Review:Li Xiujin