Unwarranted variation in health care at focus

Unwarranted variation in health care at focus

Unwarranted variation in health care at focus
At Danish Center for Clinical Health Service Research (DACS) unwarranted variation in health care is one of the primary research areas. Health services research can be defined as research into the functioning of health services. Clinical health services research is focused on clinical activities and aimed at increasing our understanding of the interaction between the organization of health care systems, use of resources, quality of care and patient outcomes, including survival, functional level, and quality of life. The research is predominantly based on clinical epidemiological methods and involves observational as well as interventional studies. Data from existing data sources are often used, including nationwide clinical quality databases and national health registers.
S?ren Paaske Johnsen, Professor, Danish Center for Clinical Health Service Research, Department of Clinical Medicine, The Faculty of Medicine, AAU,,?